Year - 2019
Finding your feel in other arms
Random flashbacks and random hookups
Swinging moods and enigmatic emotions
Wanting you to come back and not
Fickleness in my mind and in your heart
I am lost in the past searching for our future
Finding bits and pieces to corroborate our love
The love we shaped but couldn’t solidify
The love that faded away before memories
The love that you just reduced to lust
The relationships, the pain, the goodbyes all unacknowledged
The huge mountain of emotions
The river of tears down my pillow
The promised moon unfulfilled
The limitless sky that we never touched
The unfathomable depth of your brown eyes
The warmth in your words and arms
I am here in the middle of a dream that I saw
But the sky isn’t as blue
The river doesn’t make that melody
The nightingales don’t sing
The time doesn’t slow anymore
The air is not magical
And me, not the king
I am the beggar begging for just more of you
Starving for the love you once gave
With stitched heart and clothes
Drenched in the dirt of betrayal
Trying to be rich again…
Closing walls and building a fort
A fort unbreakable by cupids arrow
With a tomb for our love within…