
year - 2020

Crowded queues, masks, and shields on our faces,
I am still more suffocated by the thought of you never being mine
So many people, the heaters on,
Still can’t feel the warmth that you make me feel
Crowd murmuring, constant announcements,
Still, the only voice I want to hear is yours
Slow-moving lines still moving faster than our dynamics
So many bags and suitcases on my shoulder
Still, my heart feels heavier
you don’t need security checks to figure out the hidden love
Still, I can’t accept that I love you neither can I deny
Feels like all those display screens are screaming this truth
I wait because it is the only thing I can do
I can’t break lines, nor I can rush
I wait and wait till it’s my turn to drop the baggage at the counter
And all I ask them is if they can also take this load away from my chest?